Who is Orula ? 


* Orula is the only Orisha who is allowed to know the destiny of this world and mankind from Olodumare, the God of omniscience.


* He is also called Orunmila or Ifa. 


Babalawo of  Santeria gives advice to the believers through the mysterious divination of Ifa.


* Ifa forms the foundation of Santeria, and the Ifa divination is only done by Babarawo. It  is registered in UNESCO's Intangible Cultural Heritage.


* There are various ceremonies such as the initiation ritual (Mano de Orula), exorcisms (Ebo) etc.

What is "Osorde", near-future divination of Ifa ?

* Unlike other fortune-tellings,  the near-future divination "Osorde" is an indispensable part of the Ifa where  orichas have invisible power influencial to you.


*Also get help from the power of ancestral spirits.



"Near Future Prediction"

 IFA divination is "Near Future Prediction"


* Among the "IFA divinations", Osorde + Consulta" is suitable for ordinary people's daily lives.


*Validity period of the Osorde is more or less short (2, 3 weeks to 1 month).


*Let's assume that fortune is a good wave and a bad wave.

 For example, even if there is a result that a bad wave will come in the very near future, a good wave might come soon. In order to get on such a good wave, we recommend to have a periodical meeting to Babalawo and get good advice.